Conference Topics

The conference topics are divided in to three categories: ESA Workshop Topics, GSMM Topics, and Joint Topics. Selection of the category for each paper is based on the preference of the authors and the decision of the Technical Program Committee.

ESA Workshop GSMM Joint
Remote sensing instruments Automotive applications Analytical and numerical modelling
Instruments for space science and radio astronomy Communication systems and applications Antennas and propagation
Micromachining and innovative fabrication techniques Frequency management and utilization Device and circuit technologies
Novel materials (metamaterials, nanotubes, etc.) Millimetre-wave home link systems Millimetre-wave measurements
Mm-wave technologies for space Millimetre-wave LANs and PANs Millimetre-wave MMICs
Sub-mm wave/terahertz technologies and applications Millimetre-wave photonics Millimetre-wave systems and sub-systems
Wireless access systems On-wafer and power measurements
Phased array antennas
New frontiers in mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing systems (NEWFOCUS)